Project MEGSSS

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$20,000 Goal

Project MEGSSS was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in 1980, the offshoot of a St. Louis-based, government-funded educational research lab. Based on the Elements of Mathematics, a curriculum designed for highly-talented 6th-8th grade students, this unique core program broadens exposure to the world of mathematics at a time when the standard curriculum focuses on reinforcing elementary school math concepts in preparation for high school.

Over the past 40 years, we have tested 5,000+ students and taught 3,500+ of these students, many of whom point to their experience as a steppingstone to future careers in STEM. The program initially attracts a good proportion of female students (40%) and is a melting pot of students from many ethnicities and families of varying socioeconomic spheres. We work with students from any area school--public, private, religious, and home schools. Despite these differences, our classroom gives these "out of the box" students an opportunity to meet others like themselves and learn in a challenging environment where being really smart is celebrated and supported. A recent survey of our alumni found that 70% of respondents have actually graduated from college with a STEM degree.

Our outreach surveys indicate a need in the region for a broader range of math enrichment programs specifically designed to inspire advancing students to learn more about mathematics, as an entree to future STEM career paths. Project MEGSSS created MathJam, a summer math program for talented 5th-8th graders. MEGSSS has added math contest preparation bootcamps, as well as an open AMC 8 math competition with plans to expand our math contest offerings.

Since our inception, we have provided financial aid to families with need and recently began a program specifically targeted to students whose families are eligible for federal lunch programs. Our regular financial aid program provides support to any student who demonstrates need. As a nonprofit with a parent-led board, we prioritize keeping the program affordable for all.


Project MEGSSS has a mission to discover, inspire, and develop the mathematical talents of elementary and middle school students. Our vision is to lead the most interested and talented math students in their STEM interests through high school, college, and beyond.

Organization Data


Organization name

Project MEGSSS

other names


Tax id (EIN)



STEM, Education - K-12, Education

Operating Budget

Micro: $50,001 - $250,000

Service Area

St Charles County, Washington County, Warren County, St Louis County, St Louis City, St Clair County, Monroe County, Madison County, Lincoln County, Jersey County, Jefferson County, Franklin County, Clinton County, Calhoun County, Bond County

Audiences Served

Children, Youth, Families


11939 Manchester Road Suite 385
St. Louis, MO 63131



Social Media