Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$1,000 Goal

Across our organization, we build trusting, enduring relationships with diverse stakeholders - youth, families, community partners, and local businesses. Through fostering these relationships, we support three key aspects of young people's lives: (1) social/emotional development, (2) academic success through high school graduation, and (3) training/skill-building for post-secondary success.

We support 8,000+ children and families in St. Louis City and County; St. Charles and Jefferson Counties; and Cape Girardeau and Scott Counties. We provide support through five strategic, interdependent programs:

(1) One-to-One Mentoring - Our historic mentoring program serving 1,300+ youth, ages 5-17, connecting them with trained and committed volunteers, placing a heavy emphasis on relationship endurance. This includes ongoing case management and robust wraparound support to identify any gaps in service that families are experiencing.

(2) ABCToday - Collective impact model serving 16 schools in four school districts (St. Louis Public Schools, University City, Normandy, and Cape Girardeau). We utilize a web-based early warning system to track and respond, to 7,000+ students' ABCs (Attendance, Behavior, Course performance in Reading/Math).

(3) Alumni Mentoring ("Big Futures") - This post-secondary effort focuses on helping 220+ young people, ages 18-25, secure living wage jobs by age 26. The program ensures a continuity of support as young people enroll in college/trade school, enlist in the military, or become gainfully employed.

(4) First Job - This is a certificate program designed to help young people prepare to secure their first job by age 16 (i.e. service and hospitality, automotive, sports industry). We have graduated three cohorts totaling 150+, and we are currently reaching a fourth cohort of 30+ youth.

(5) Systems Navigation and Direct Aid - With support from various funding partners, we will continue providing temporary financial assistance directly to youth and families (utility support, rent assistance, food, scholarships, etc.) and helping young people and parents/caregivers, navigate daily hardships and negotiate systemic roadblocks (education, justice, housing, etc.).


Big Brothers Big Sisters is guided by the principle that "in relationships, young people grow up with love, hope, and opportunity". We foster quality relationships that transform the lives of our region's most under-resourced and at-risk young people.

Our mission is to partner with young people, ages 5-25, in their pursuit of meaningful, stable, and independent lives, envisioning they will "own their future" and become independent, happy adults who are gainfully employed by age 26.

Organization Data


Organization name

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri

Tax id (EIN)



Community Improvement/Economic Development, Education - K-12, Employment & Workforce Development, Health & Wellness

Operating Budget

Giant: $5,000,001 and above

Service Area

St Charles County, St Louis City, St Louis County

Audiences Served

Children, Youth, Families


501 North Grand Boulevard Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63103



Social Media