Organization name
Community Action Agency of St. Louis County (CAASTLC, Inc.)
Tax id (EIN)
2709 Woodson RoadOverland, MO 63114
CAASTLC, Inc. serves St. Louis County and provides much needed services to low income households in the form of utility assistance, food services, housing counseling, comprehensive case management, and other direct services. We serve more than 40,000 people annually of which a large population of the households served are at or below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines. Essential services include food distribution of over 30.2 tons and energy assistance for more than 16,000 people. CAASTLC, Inc. has an urban farm where over 6 tons of fresh produce is distributed in St Louis County 'food deserts.' Other services include: job readiness/placement, prisoner reentry, drug counseling, anger management, poverty simulations, and youth and adult leadership training (Step Up to Leadership). Housing services include a Weatherization program for approximately 300 homes to save energy and improve health conditions, and first-time home buyer counseling and incentives. CAASTLC also provides home repair services for owner-occupied housing and in-home Healthy Homes instruction to make homes safe and improve indoor air quality.
CAASTLC, Inc. is a certified Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDO), HUD Housing Counseling Agency, and approved St. Louis County agency for Home buyer and Community Builder programs. CAASTLC, Inc., is a federally certified and state licensed agency providing 'navigator' services to enroll households into health insurance policies.
The mission of Community Action Agency of St. Louis County, Inc. (CAASTLC, Inc.), Inc. is to End Poverty. We are committed to helping the families and communities of St. Louis County prevent the conditions of poverty for present and future generations.
Organization name
Community Action Agency of St. Louis County (CAASTLC, Inc.)
Tax id (EIN)
2709 Woodson Road