Collinsville Faith in Action

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

We have three core programs to help meet our mission of keeping our older community members as independent as possible:
1. Volunteer Caregiving. Our corp of compassionate and trained volunteers offer transportation to doctors appointments, offer minor home repair, provide companionship, and many other services.
2. Social Programs. We offer two different programs based on clients' mobility and interests; both provide activities that help our older neighbors re-connect with their community, avoid social isolation, and decrease their feelings of loneliness.
3. Answers on Aging. A certified Senior Health Insurance Program professional is on staff to help people 60 years + and people with disabilities sign up for benefits such as Medicare and discounted license plate stickers AND to get connected to services.


The mission of Collinsville Faith in Action is to put our faith into action by serving neighbors 60 years of age and older and persons with disabilities throughout our community with door-to-door, no-cost services to support their independence.

Organization Data


Organization name

Collinsville Faith in Action

Tax id (EIN)



Economic/Financial Security, Legal Services, Social Justice, Mental/Behavioral Health, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Advocacy, Housing, Shelter, Homelessness, Health & Wellness, Food Insecurity/Access, Hunger, Nutrition, Faith-Based

Operating Budget

Micro: $50,001 - $250,000

Service Area

Madison County

Audiences Served

BILPOC, Men, Women, Older Adults, LGBTQIA+, People with Disabilities


233 N. Seminary St.
Collinsville, IL 62234



Social Media