Organization name
Epsilon Lambda Charitable Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
3615 N 19th StreetSt. Louis, MO 63107
The Epsilon Lambda Charitable Foundation is a 501(C) (3) organization whose efforts to obtain funding for the support of the foundation activities is one of our priorities. This is achieved through its involvement in various activities and initiatives. These activities are to support both the national initiatives and programs facing our country today while at the same time supporting local philanthropic interest in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area.
Established in 2004, the Foundation serves the St. Louis region with the sustained purpose of providing culturally relevant youth mentoring and development, fatherhood and family initiatives along with community programs that support individuals and communities. The organization operates with a volunteer board of directors and no staff, keeping expenses lower than the industry average for nonprofit organizations. The foundation generates revenue through donations and contributions, grants, rental income, and special events. These sources all help the Foundation to award funds consistent with its mission.
The Foundation works on issues to address education, poverty, safety, health and the environment to help reduce the disparities of traditionally underserved people and communities. We believe all children can embrace who they are, and define their future, which can change the world. The Foundation sponsors annual scholarships for high school seniors who plan to attend a four year college or university. We also lend support, both financial and personal time through community outreach programs such as the Alpha Mentoring Program, the Annie Malone Children's Home and Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri.
In addition to these efforts, the Foundation also supports programs for single fathers to educate them on parenting and relationship issues pertinent to single parenting. We are also provide funds to support families in need during the major holiday seasons.
The mission of the Epsilon Lambda Charitable Foundation is to promote and uplift the education of youth and the advancement of community.
Organization name
Epsilon Lambda Charitable Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
3615 N 19th Street