Family Care Health Centers (FCHC) in St. Louis, MO is dedicated to providing comprehensive health care to people of all ages and in all stages of life, no matter their insurance status. We believe everyone should have access to high-quality care and we provide access to medical, dental, behavioral health, vision, nutrition services, and WIC, as well as a convenient pharmacy, including free home delivery.
We currently help approximately 16,000 patients annually, caring for them through roughly 73,000 visits.
- 60% are of racial or ethnic minorities
- 71.5% are uninsured or on Medicaid
- 57% are at or below the Federal Poverty Line
- 18% are best served in a language other than English
There are 90K people in St. Louis City who don't have health insurance, making them feel they can't get health care. We want to reach the underinsured and uninsured, letting them know we are here, want to serve them, and can help them.
Generous donations from individuals like you are helping FCHC meet the healthcare needs of St. Louis, while positively impacting the overall population health of St. Louis. In fact, 67.6% of FCHC patients have controlled hypertension versus the national average of 59%^! Additionally, 68.4% of FCHC patients have controlled diabetes versus the national average of 58%^.

On behalf of our patients, THANK YOU for your support!
^ HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Informaiton Set) benchmarch, which is based on data from patients with Medicaid.