Franklin County Foster Closet

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$4,000 Goal

Imagine yourself in one of these scenarios:

1. As a new foster family, you receive a call from Children’s Division asking you to provide care for a six-year-old child. You agree and the caseworker makes arrangements to be at your home with the child in 2 hours. The child arrives with only the clothing they are wearing. You must quickly obtain all the clothing and supplies they need. 

$400 will buy necessities like a car seat, mattress, bed frame, dresser, backpack, clothing, socks, shoes, underwear and hygiene items. You know you will get a stipend from the state to help cover the cost of children in your care. However, you will not receive this money until the child has been in your home for 45 days. 

1a. Two weeks later you find out the child you just took in has siblings already in the system. Their caseworker asks you to care for these children as well to keep the siblings together.  If you agree, you will need to secure more clothing and supplies.  

2. Your family is financially struggling. Your child has outgrown her worn-out shoes and is complaining of her feet hurting. You must decide between paying your electric bill or buying shoes for your child with the money you have left from your paycheck. 

3. You completed a drug rehab program and worked hard to meet the requirements to get your children back. You paid the first, last and current month’s rent on your new place but you don't have the funds to fully furnish the home for your children.  

4. Retired and on a fixed income, you took guardianship of your grandchildren to provide stability for them within their own family. As they have grown and inflation has increased costs, it has been difficult to keep up with their needs.


In each of the above scenarios, Franklin County Foster Closet is here to help.  

We gather new and gently used children’s goods (including clothing, bedding, beds, baby supplies, etc.) from the community and distribute them by referral and free of charge to families in need at our boutique clothing store. 

We also support the work of our local Children’s Division by giving them sets of children’s clothing (including socks and underwear) and important hygiene items for the children they serve. 

We partner with a large number of community organizations and individuals. Some volunteer in our boutique sorting and packing clothing. Some provide essential children's items or monetary support. Some host clothing or supply drives for the Foster Closet.       

Together with our partners, we strive to  for area families in need of support.

Our HOPE is that the children and the families we serve will feel  SEEN, LOVED & VALUED by their larger community in their time of need.


The Franklin County Foster Closet was founded in 2019. Our mission is to provide children’s clothing and other essential supplies to area families in need.

We began by serving foster and kinship families, but soon recognized other area families in need. We now serve foster families, kinship families, families who are at risk of losing custody of their children because they cannot afford to buy needed supplies for them and families who are regaining custody of their children after a period of separation.

We collect new and gently used essential children’s items from the community and distribute them to these families in need. We make the process of outfitting a home for a child simple, convenient and cost-free.

Simply put, we want to make sure that area families have the goods they need to provide adequately for the children in their care.

With the robust support of our wider community and a dedicated group of volunteers, we make life better for some of our area’s most vulnerable families and children.

Organization Data


Organization name

Franklin County Foster Closet

Tax id (EIN)



Family Services/Child Welfare

Operating Budget

Micro: $50,001 - $250,000

Service Area

Franklin County, Jefferson County, Warren County

Audiences Served

People with Disabilities, Immigrants, Refugees, Foreign-Born Populations, Children, Youth, Families, Teens, BILPOC


500 Clark Ave Suite H
Union, MO 63084



Social Media