About Loyola Academy of St. Louis
Loyola Academy currently serves 70 young men in fourth-eighth grade. Our students represent 30 zip codes from the metropolitan area and have a daily attendance rate of 95.5%. 61% of students' households are led by single adults and 78% of students qualify for free/reduced lunch.
Loyola Academy of St. Louis provides a rigorous academic program, character education, and Enrichment courses that enable our graduates to succeed in college-preparatory high schools and beyond. With an extended school day and small class sizes, teachers are able to use pre-assessment data to make a series of learning goals that are challenging for each year’s current cohort. In addition to their core-academics, students receive support services that enable them to increase their executive-functioning skills and social-emotional awareness. 
A 13+ Year Program
Loyola Academy provides a thirteen-year plus program. Students are supported through five years of upper-elementary and middle school, four years of high school, and up to six years of postsecondary attainment. The Graduate Support Team meets with alumni and their families regularly to help students stay on track and to assess needs as they arise in order to ensure success. Our students graduate high school and college far more reliably than their peers in local public schools. Among recent alumni (2019-2023), 100% of students were accepted into college-preparatory high schools; 98% graduated high school on time; 88% enrolled directly in college or the military. Notably, 65% of alumni who attend college are the first in their families to do so.
Thank you for your support of our Loyola Academy community!