Aim High St. Louis

A nonprofit organization

$3,020 raised

100% complete

$3,000 Goal

Aim High serves to combat systemic disparities for students of color and students from low-income families. Aim High's goal is to address the achievement gap by providing academic enrichment, tuition-free, and address social emotional development by raising student's educational aspirations and helping them develop a love of learning. Aim High improves students' short-term knowledge gains, improves their attitude towards education, and provides social emotional growth through behavioral change.

In 2023, Aim High will continue to serve students recruited primarily from four school districts: St. Louis Public Schools, Normandy Collaborative, Ritenour School Districts, and University City. Students range in age from 11 to 15, the majority of them are B/C averaging students, from a single parent household, and the majority would be first-generation college attending.

Last year 93 % of Aim High St. Louis Achievers reported feeling ready for the next school year and 85% of parents report steady academic performance improvement after attending Aim High.

The foundation of Aim High is a five-week summer program that runs Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 2:45 PM. Students receive 3 hours of daily academic instruction in four core subjects in addition to physical fun, an elective, and an advisory period. Academic instruction in science, mathematics, language arts, and social studies helps prevent a loss of knowledge and skills known as the "summer slide." Continuous programming even helps students get ahead academically. Electives allow students the opportunity to choose an area of creative interest to explore through a hands-on approach. Advisory periods support social and emotional development, which research has shown a positive correlation between social and emotional learning, better school performance and long-term improvements in general well being.

Students learn about self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship building skills and responsible decision-making. The summer program is supported with monthly Saturday sessions throughout the academic year.

Aim High students achieve in record numbers, they earn better grades, graduate at higher rates, and are better equipped to navigate and succeed in an increasingly challenging world. Previous data published by the National Student Clearinghouse shows 77% of students who attended Aim High for 3-4 years enrolled in post-secondary education, compared to just 44% of students who were admitted but did not attend Aim High. The four-year, tuition free experience provides our middle school age Achievers the opportunity to expand their view of themselves and their potential as learners and leaders. AND they thrive as a result.


Aim High empowers motivated middle school students from at-risk environments to strengthen their character, self-confidence, determination and initiative through a challenging, engaging academic enrichment program.

Organization Data


Organization name

Aim High St. Louis

Tax id (EIN)



Education, Education - K-12, Employment & Workforce Development, Food Insecurity/Access, Hunger, Nutrition, Racial Equity

Operating Budget

Small: $250,001 - $1,000,000

Service Area

St Louis County

Audiences Served

Children, Youth, Families, Teens, BILPOC

BILPOC Leadership

BILPOC Leadership


755 S. Price Rd
St. Louis, MO 63124

