Central Print is a not-for-profit arts organization with programming taking place in its storefront location at 2624 North 14th Street and throughout the community. Free programs for families include Summer Print Studio activity days during the Old North Farmers Market and print demonstrations and activities on event days throughout the year. Fee based programs for all ages include printmaking classes and workshops. Tours of Central Print teach traditional letterpress techniques, the use and preservation of presses, and discuss how contemporary printmaking practice builds upon this history. Outreach programming takes our educators and equipment to destinations throughout metro-St. Louis to provide hand-on printmaking activities for area schools, organizations, libraries, and events. The Open Studio program is a great resource for printmakers who need access to presses, printmaking equipment, and a supportive studio environment. Additional programs are in development for 2024, including the Ladies of Letterpress conference, an artist residency, and book arts programming.
Central Print is a trusted and valuable resource where residents of the community participate in programming that enhances their quality of life and provides a means for self-expression. The studio is open 40 hours per week to serve all members of the community in which we operate. Youth join us on Saturdays for free printmaking activities. We also work with neighboring schools like Jefferson Elementary where we host activities on event days throughout the year.
For outreach programming Central Print travels with a proof press, type, and wood blocks. By providing a brief history of letterpress and a demonstration of the press in use, Central Print can tailor its outreach program to suit the audience. We have worked with institutions such as the St. Louis Public Library, The Saint Louis Art Museum, The World Chess Hall of Fame, and the Missouri History Museum. Outreach programs allow us an opportunity to supplement school arts curriculum and reach new audiences.
In collaboration with The St. Louis Mercantile Library at UMSL, The Printery Book Arts Lab furthers our mission of preserving letterpress printing. Through this collaboration, The St. Louis Mercantile Library has acquired The Printery, one of the most revered modern American private press studios. Central Print operates The Printery Book Arts Lab, on Central Print's premises, to preserve and make available for use this high-quality letterpress equipment and type inventory.