Your support keeps our year-round community outreach programs and special engagements thriving! These programs were designed with the guiding principle of making the magic of circus accessible to all by overcoming barriers to participation. A couple of Circus Flora's programs are described below:
The only program of its kind in the bi-state region, Clowns on Call brings laughter, healing, cheer and the wonder of circus to hospitalized children and their families in SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital, Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital, and Siteman Kids at St. Louis Children's Hospital. By learning to spin a plate or balance a feather, young patients are not only entertained but become active agents in their own recovery; appropriate physical activity is encouraged, minds are awakened by magic and music, and frustrations released through laughter at a clown's slapstick misfortunes. We're proud to be celebrating our 13th year in 2025 and have brought delight to over 13,000 children in addition to their families! Your donation assists us in safely visiting the hospitals multiple times each week, all year round.
Established in 2003, our Share the Circus program offers thousands of complimentary tickets each season to area children and families through our partnerships with 30 social service, educational and health organizations. Circus Flora understands that there is a demographic for whom some socio-economic factors present barriers to participation in the arts and by implementing this program, these audiences are able to experience the circus which offers a distraction for those coping with illness or other trauma. Your donations enable us to continue this program.
The Peanut Free-Preview and Sensory Friendly performances are special engagements offered during our Big Top show run, allowing audiences to enjoy the magic of circus who otherwise would be unable to attend. Your donations support these two very important performances, providing things like a social story to familiarize patrons with autism with the sights, sounds and smells unique to a circus lot before their visit, and audio description services for those with visual impairments.