FSBH Vision Statements:
1. To increase awareness of the local needs of the poor and needy within our community.
2. To promote unity in the community by encouraging people to get involved in the lives of the poor and needy in practical ways.
3. To reduce suffering and misery of the poor by showing the Love of God in sacrifice and risk from something of ourselves.
We are seeking support for responding to the great gap in services to homeless and working poor in St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren Counties. We have $40,500 in matching gifts! Every dollar you contribute will be matched 100% to that point!
Our ministry was established to primarily serve single, homeless men, but now, after 20 years, also fills many gaps in service to help all homeless- men, women and children - to get off the streets, into safe "shelters" and ultimately permanent housing. Our program is designed to benefit the homeless and the communities and public agencies, such as hospitals, police and social service groups who encounter the homeless and have no provisions for their care.

Our primary lodging site is Economy Inn in Wentzville, which charges us $75-$90 per night depending on the size of the family (up to 4 people in a room).
Having reliable transportation is a major barrier in our region. Since there’s no public transit in our service area of St. Charles, Warren and Lincoln Counties, we do what we can to help clients get cars, keep them running well and providing bikes, fuel, help with insurance costs and repairs.

Personal Care items are also needed by our clientele and essential for preparing for job searches. One of the most important items is a cell phone. Who can get a job these days without a phone number or internet access? Along with toiletries, clothing, and food, the cell phones are one of the most critical elements towards success.