Organization name
Gifted Support Network
Tax id (EIN)
1654 Bryan Rd.O'Fallon, MO 63368
We're all about special needs kids! GSN is a nonprofit that provides focused information, specialized tools and ongoing local and professional resources to parents and educators of gifted, high-ability and twice-exceptional kids (whom are all special needs - just on the other end of the bell curve!). Our unique work around St. Louis includes...
- Free educational Speaker Events at Lindenwood University for parents and teachers
- Free Parent Support Groups to help parents connect with other parents, share their experiences, and ask questions in a safe and non-judgemental environment
- Specialized Enrichment Classes for high-ability children to work with like-minded peers in a challenging and fun environment
- Awarding Educator Grants annually to support teachers who work with high-ability kids
Most times these talented kids are not recognized as "special needs", and even left to fend for themselves. And many times, they don't receive the challenge they need in school, have a hard time making friends and even go unidentified because they may be struggling with a diagnosis like ADHD, Autism or Asperger's.
Help us help these exceptional kids. They're our future!
INFORM, CONNECT, ENRICH. Our mission is to provide information, connection, enrichment and helpful resources to families of gifted, high-ability (high IQ) and twice-exceptional children.
Organization name
Gifted Support Network
Tax id (EIN)
1654 Bryan Rd.