HavenHouse St. Louis

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,000 Goal


Imagine a family journeying from a small town to bustling St. Louis. They knew treatment would improve the quality of life for their loved one, but getting to St. Louis would not be easy. Saving for the trip wasn't possible - there were other pressing bills. Could they afford somewhere to stay? Would they be able to pay for meals? Where would those meals even come from? The unknowns didn't matter if it meant protecting their cherished loved ones.

When it came time to schedule the appointment, they received an uplifting message. A social worker at the hospital mentioned a place the family could stay. It was a hospital guest house specially designed to help families like theirs - the organization created it to serve everyone. Age and medical condition did not matter. If they required treatment in a St. Louis hospital, the hospital guest house welcomed them with open arms.

The social worker assured them they could skip the hotel search. This hospital guest house offered reduced room rates and complimentary meals. Other families who needed to visit St. Louis for medical treatment would be staying there. And they were all supported by an accepting, compassionate staff.

That hospital guest house is HavenHouse St. Louis. That family may be yours. That staff is us.

We are HavenHouse, and we are here for you.


Patients recover far faster when they're with their families than if they undergo treatment and recovery alone. Many years of experience and research support this idea. Yet, that support network isn't always financially possible for families who must drive or fly hours away to get that treatment. We aim to keep families together when they need the support of their loved ones the most.

Patients and their families who stay with us aren't just clients or medical guests. They become our extended family. We want nothing more than to ensure their well-being. Our hearts are warmed when we see them grow and recover year after year. We focus on creating a community of support that promotes healing and happiness.

Affordable and comfortable lodging, food to eat, and a safe place to rest are needed to create a strong foundation of support. By ensuring our families receive these necessities, we're giving them the framework to build a healthier and happier future.


Since its beginnings in 2005, HavenHouse St. Louis has provided full-service support to patients of all ages and conditions. Patients and their families can seek treatment from any St. Louis hospital without needing to overcome extra hurdles.

In that time, we've served more than 43,000 patients. Over 71,000 caregivers stayed alongside those patients. Together, that's over 114,000 people. We hope to help so many more!


HavenHouse St. Louis provides the comfort of home and a community of support for patients and families who travel to St. Louis for medical care.

Organization Data


Organization name

HavenHouse St. Louis

Tax id (EIN)



Economic/Financial Security, Health & Wellness, Medical/Scientific Research, Health & Wellness - Hospitals & Clinics

Operating Budget

Small: $250,001 - $1,000,000

Service Area

St Louis City

Audiences Served

People with Disabilities, Immigrants, Refugees, Foreign-Born Populations, LGBTQIA+, Older Adults, Women, Men, Children, Youth, Families, Teens, BILPOC, General Public


3450 Park Ave
St. Louis, MO 63104



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