Organization name
Hospice of Southern Illinois
Tax id (EIN)
305 South Illinois StreetBelleville, IL 62220
Hospice of Southern Illinois is a not-for-profit, free standing, community-based hospice offering Southern Illinois and St. Louis Metro-East communities a range of services for people of all ages at the end of life. We have been providing compassionate care to terminally ill patients and their families in their home or a home-like setting since 1981. Since that time, Hospice of Southern Illinois continues to put patients and family's needs and wants first.
Hospice of Southern Illinois helps families cope with what people fear most about dying-being in pain, being alone, losing control, and being a burden to others. Hospice of Southern Illinois offers patients emotional and spiritual support combined with expert medical care, all tailored to the patients' wish to remain pain-free and alert as long as possible. Hospice of Southern Illinois offers families emotional and spiritual support, and respite care. Families are encouraged to participate in bereavement services for a full year following a loved one's death.
Not all hospice providers are the same. While most have a similar philosophy, each hospice is a different company offering different services. The best time to learn about hospice care is before you need it. At any time during a life-threatening illness, it is appropriate to discuss all of a patient's healthcare options, including hospice care. Our reputation is a direct result of our desire to do more than what is required or expected. This can be seen in the passion and commitment of our employees and volunteers to provide excellent hospice care through all the services we provide.
The mission of Hospice of Southern Illinois is to enhance the quality of life for individuals and their loved ones touched by a terminal illness.
Organization name
Hospice of Southern Illinois
Tax id (EIN)
305 South Illinois Street