We envision an authentic Catholic community that embraces the dignity of every individual to live in the full measure of Christ's blessings and where all are welcomed.
We are dedicated to creating inclusive Catholic educational opportunities for children with special needs in the St. Louis Archdiocese. We believe every child deserves a Catholic education in their local parish school in full community with their peers!
Inclusive education is educating individuals with physical or intellectual disabilities in the general educational classroom, shoulder to shoulder, with their age peers. Whatever individualized needs a student may have are addressed in the classroom, and not by segregating the student from their peer environment.
Students are educated in the context of an "inclusive service delivery model" that may include curriculum modifications, support from the general education teacher, peer students, a teaching aid, or specialized teacher. The expectation is that each student maintains progress towards their individual potential.
Why Inclusive Education?
The gospels and the example of our Lord Jesus Christ provide clear and unequivocal instruction to provide for the disabled and disadvantaged. Again and again our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrates His love and a direct, personal, physical commitment to care for the sick, the lame, and those less fortunate. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, One Classroom supports our Catholic schools and Christ's church to provide education for children with disabilities.
One Classroom provides:
• Access to expert resources and practitioners
• Funding for training
• Advice on planning and execution
• Funding for materials and tools
• Funding to hire para-professionals
A large body of research demonstrates that children educated in Inclusive environments achieve higher academic gains, and achieve more success after high school. There have been no studies since the 1970's showing better outcomes for students with significant disabilities when they are educated in separate classrooms. Research also demonstrates that typical peers experience improved academic outcomes and social development.