Pink Ribbon Good exists to serve every person and family affected by breast and gynecological cancer. We provide free healthy meals, rides to treatment, housecleaning essentials and peer support so no one is alone in the fight.By helping people to alleviate the practical and emotional stresses associated with a cancer diagnosis, our clients are better able to focus on treatment and healing. Our services increase treatment compliance, improve nutrition and provide valuable emotional support. The need for our services is great: 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime & every 5 minutes, a woman is diagnosed with gynecological cancer in the US.
Pink Ribbon Good St. Louis served 55,132 healthy meals, provided 4,696 rides to treatment, distributed 593 housecleaning kits and hosted over 1,600+ peer support participants in 2024. While we serve anyone regardless of income, 29% of St. Louis clients are food insecurity and 30% are ride insecure and do not know how they will get to their doctors' appointments.
Learn more about Pink Ribbon Good here:
Pink Ribbon Good exists to serve every person and family affected by breast and gynecological cancer. We provide free healthy meals, rides to treatment, housecleaning essentials and peer support so no one is alone in the fight. PRG serves a 40-mile radius including Missouri and Illinois.
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Organization Data
Organization name
Pink Ribbon Good
Tax id (EIN)
Other, Health & Wellness, Food Insecurity/Access, Hunger, Nutrition
Operating Budget
Medium: $1,000,001 - $2,000,000
Service Area
St Louis City, Warren County, St Louis County, St Clair County, St Charles County, Monroe County, Madison County, Lincoln County, Jersey County, Jefferson County, Franklin County, Clinton County