Program 2023 Year In Review
Annie Malone Mobile Mentoring Program - 13 Participants
Black Boys Matter Mentoring Program - 78 participants
Food, Diaper and P.P.E Giveaways - Serviced over 20,000 families from June - December
SUPER STEM Saturdays - 123 Participants
STEM Jr Leadership Academy and Workshops - 221 Participants
STEM Leadership Academy - 89 Participants
STEM College Day Trip - 123 Participants
Weekly Covid-19 Food and Resource Giveaways
Held weekly Food, Diaper and P.P.E Giveaways in over 15 different locations from June to December.
The Leadership Academy is designed for high school students in the Saint Louis, Metropolitan area. We partner with local high schools to deliver content that emphasizes building character and life skills, specifically in the areas of goal-setting, handling peer pressure, conflict resolution, personal and financial awareness, and community service. In addition, other workshops delivered to the students include Alternatives to College, Careers in STEM, Coding, Preparing for College, Self-Awareness and Self-Assessment, Goal-Setting, Building Your Brand, Life in the Military, Resume Writing, and Interviewing.
SUPER Stem Saturdays:
- Bi-annual event participating in activities in STEM, robotics and coding.
- 100% of attendees participated and completed at least one STEM activity.
- 97% of students surveyed would recommend Super STEM Saturdays would recommend the event to their peers.
Jr. Leadership Academy:
- Workshops focus on building character and life skills, specifically in the area of goal setting, handling peer pressure, conflict resolution, and financial awareness.
- Advanced workshops delivered to students include Students were coached, mentored, groomed, and directed along paths of self-exploration, improvement, and development which resulted in discoveries of latent creativity and a desire to excel.
- 100% of participants would participate in The Access Foundation's Leadership Academy at the high school level.
Leadership Academy:
- Workshops focus on building character and life skills, specifically in the area of goal setting, handling peer pressure, conflict resolution, and financial awareness.
- Advanced workshops include Alternatives to College, Preparing for College, Building Your Brand, Life in the Military, Resume writing and interviewing
- 89% of participants expressed interest in STEM field after high school via college or trade school.
STEM College Day Trip:
- Students in underserved areas of the community were able to spend the day at regional Universities including University of Missouri, University of Illinois-Champaign, University of Missouri St. Louis and SIU-Edwardsville.
- 100% of the students attended workshops facilitated by Career Service Representatives
- 100% of the students participated in the Engineering Build a Bridge or other STEM related projects
Basketball and Mentoring Program
The Access Foundation knows that physical development is just as important as mental development when it comes to make a well-rounded individual which is why we have taken a holistic approach in integrating nutrition and fitness into the academics that our students receive. The program strengthens students' confidence, boosts their self- esteem, teaches them discipline, and builds their character.
The objective of this program is to promote leadership in boys from ages 8 to 18, and give them a safe and friendly environment to play. Not only do the boys get to hone their basketball skills, they grasp how to work successfully as a team and how to build meaningful relationships. The mentors strive to guide, support, and empower the boys to build healthy relationships and learn respect their peers.
25 kids currently participating in this program on a weekly basis.
100% of the kids enrolled in the program maintain a C average or better.
25% of the students are currently on the honor roll
Over 500 kids have been able to attend St. Louis Billiken games for free under this program