Ruby's Fundraiser for Uhuru Bakery & Cafe

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

African People's Education and Defense Fund, Inc.
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Support African community access to food & economic self-determination-donate to Uhuru Bakery & Cafe


raised by 6 people

$1,000 goal

This year, all I want for my birthday is for YOU to support the Uhuru Bakery & Cafe!

The newest project of the Black Power Blueprint is transforming the conditions of life for the African community by bringing healthy delicious food, creating employment opportunities and training to the heart of the most impoverished area of north St. Louis, that has been devastated by food apartheid for decades.   

In St. Louis, the city where I now live, 30% of the black community of north St. Louis lives on $5 per day or less. That may sound like a statistic from an impoverished country far away, but this level of poverty exists here in the heart of the world's richest country.  

The Black Power Blueprint is a project of the African People's Education and Defense Fund that is working to change that reality! Black Power Blueprint is adding the Uhuru Bakery & Cafe to a whole string of projects along W. Florissant Ave, a comprehensive strategy to transform the African community in every aspect of life-- food, health, education, economic development, housing, ending mass imprisonment and uplifting culture. 

Uhuru Bakery & Cafe is partnering with the One Africa! One Nation! Farmers Market, which launches its 4th year in 2024 and the Gary Brooks Community Garden which has given away 1000 pounds of vegetables and fruit each year for the last 2 years to make healthy food available. It will partner with the African Independence Workforce Program to provide meaningful employment, training and housing for people coming out of the colonial prison system. 

Tune in to the live Telethon Thurs. May 9th 6-7:30CT to tour the new site, see the vision for moving forward, hear how APEDF built Uhuru Foods & Pies featuring special guests, spoken word and more.

This dynamic project shows what change through African self-determination looks like. You can see and touch the rising new independent African economy along W. Florissant. This development not only benefits the black residents who live there, and homeowners who have decided to stay and develop there, it benefits the whole city because health and prosperity by and for the African community is positive for all. 

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