Young Friends of Forest Park Forever

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Forest Park Forever Inc.
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Help the Young Friends raise more dollars than Forest Park Forever staff!


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Who we are:

The Young Friends of Forest Park Forever is a group of young people who play a crucial role in maintaining and sustaining Forest Park. The typical age range for this affinity group is twenties to thirties, and all are welcome to join. 

"I made the choice to donate towards Forest Park because of how much I use the Park and the way that it has connected me with other people..."

Our history:

Young Friends of Forest Park was founded in 2012 as a way for young professionals to support Forest Park and meet others with similar interests. 

The group is inspired by the original group of professionals and Park lovers in the 1980s who came together to save Forest Park from decline.

Back then, places like Art Hill, the Grand Basin and Government Hill were not the wonderful spaces they are today. They were crumbling and dated landmarks in need of repair. 

"I think in a lot of ways, it's important to donate and support Forest Park, because without those donations, the Park would not be where it's at today..."

Why we support Forest Park:

Today, we continue that legacy of supporting improvements throughout the Park for users today and future generations of tomorrow. 

Beyond the big projects, there is the daily maintenance that the Forest Park Forever team takes on. That ranges from planting the beautiful landscapes and trees, to maintaining the paths and trails, to fixing infrastructure. 

"Without Forest Park forever, we would not have all these beautiful things to come partake in, events and ways to connect with each other." 

- Jaci Wilson, Young Friend member


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