A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Gateway Music OutreachOur Adopt-A-Musician program includes a Virtual Songwriting Lab and Private Lessons.
raised by 23 people
$2,000 goal
Gateway Music Outreach is a non-profit 501-C3 school and community-based music education program which provides quality music instruction. The program is multifaceted targeting schools, educators, school-aged youth grades K-12, parents, and the community.
The Adopt-A-Musician Program is an income-based scholarship which assists underserved youth and their parents with the costs associated with instrument rental, instrument purchase, or private instruction. The goal is to remove the financial roadblocks which deter these budding musicians from exploring the opportunities and benefits afforded via the vehicle of quality music education.
Students who study virtually this school year can either take private lessons our enroll in our GMO Virtual Songwriting Lab.