Join me to invest in our future workforce!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

STL Youth Jobs
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raised by 10 people

$4,000 goal

STL Youth Jobs seeks to bridge the skills divide that employers are facing while also meeting youth’s need for meaningful employment based experiences. Early work opportunities offer a logical and critical entry point  into the workforce and provides a clear way for young people to gain experience, acquire and enhance key workplace skills, build professional networks, and identify and further develop their career interests while earning a paycheck. It also can provide a support system that keeps youth safe and engaged during the summer months when they are not in school. 

While summer employment benefits many young people, the path and ease of access is not the same for all youth. At STL Youth Jobs, we leverage public and private investment to address these barriers for hundreds of youth each summer through our employment programs that offer each youth a paid work experience, training, mentoring and comprehensive support.  

Please join me in investing in the future St. Louis workforce!  

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