Youth In Need

A nonprofit organization

Founded in 1974, Youth In Need serves more than 8,000 at-risk children and youth, between the ages of birth and 21, and their families in St. Louis City and St. Louis, St. Charles, Lincoln, Warren, and Montgomery Counties each year in eastern Missouri.

Youth In Need is one of few organizations in the nation with a continuum of care for ages birth to young adulthood. Youth In Need utilizes a three-pronged approach: crisis intervention, therapeutic recovery, and prevention services. Crisis intervention programs include street-based outreach services to runaway and homeless youth, and temporary youth emergency shelter for neglected and abused children and youth. Longer-term therapeutic recovery programs include transitional living programming for homeless youth and youth who have aged out of the foster care system, school-based and community-based counseling services, teen parent counseling, and foster care case management. Prevention and early intervention programs include Head Start and Early Head Start early childhood education and positive youth and family development services. A belief in the resiliency and potential of every child and family is incorporated into all Youth In Need programs.


Youth In Need's mission is to build on the strengths of children, youth and families so they find safety, hope and success in life.

Organization Data


Organization name

Youth In Need

Tax id (EIN)



Education, Racial Equity, Mental/Behavioral Health, Human Trafficking/Exploitation, Housing, Shelter, Homelessness, Food Insecurity/Access, Hunger, Nutrition, Family Services/Child Welfare, Education - K-12, Education - Early Childhood, Economic/Financial Security, Community Improvement/Economic Development

Operating Budget

Giant: $5,000,001 and above

Service Area

St Charles County

Audiences Served

BILPOC, Teens, Children, Youth, Families, LGBTQIA+, Immigrants, Refugees, Foreign-Born Populations


1815 Boone's Lick Road
St. Charles, MO 63301

