Metropolitan Congregations United is committed to acting powerfully in the public arena in order to transform our congregations and our community. We believe that individually and together our congregations have a right and responsibility to act for the common good. We also believe that the greatest gift we can give the community are congregations transformed by faith in action reaching out to care for the community around us.
Member congregations put their faith into action by identifying and working on issues on three different levels: beginning in their neighborhoods, then expanding efforts to their larger community, culminating into overall issues along with MCU for the St. Louis metropolitan area and/or state. MCU activates congregation members to work on community concerns by:
1. Strengthening Relationships Inside the Congregation
2. Strengthening Relationships with the Neighborhood
3. Building Collective Power that Impacts the Region or State
4. Increasing Leadership Capacity Among Members
Our Issue Areas:
1. Environmental Justice
2. Breaking the School to Prison Pipeline (BTP)
3. Ex-Incarcerated People Organizing (EXPO STL)
4. Sacred Votes - Integrated Voter Engagement